Update : Sendung verschoben
Leider ist bei der Technik ein Fehler aufgetreten, den wir jetzt schnell nicht lösen können und wir werden daher die Sendung verschieben. Es tut mir leid, aber so ist es nicht sinnvoll zu starten. Wir bitten um Verständnis und werden die Sendung in kürze nachholen.
Vielen Dank
19 Responses to Update : Sendung verschoben
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Ich dachte die Sendung beginnt um 20:00 Uhr?
Ich habe extra meine Skatrunde abgesagt.
gibt noch ein technisches Problem
bleibt doch spannend oder?
Bis jetzt höre ich nur deutsches Liedgut. Streng genommen ein und dasselbe Lied.
Spielt doch wenigstens mal gescheite Mukke!
nette musik bisher, dröööööööööööööhn, nich so mein ding.
will ja nicht drängeln, aber könnte jemand mal eine info schicken, ob es heute noch was wird oder nicht?!
Ja Ja die liebe Technik 😉 Aber ich hoff mal die Sendung wirds bestümmt wieder als Podcast geben 😉 ?
Gruß und euch allen einen schönen Abend und drück euch die Daumen das Ihr’s noch hinbekommt
Is schon ok, Cheffe, gut Ding braucht Weil…
Wenn die Technik nich mitspielt, kan man nix machen.
Drück euch die Daumen für die Zukunft!
wenigstens einer !
Schade dafür, aber ist nicht zu ändern. Dafür ist es umsonst und portofrei.^^
Lest doch einfach folgende Info zur Krise..als Ersatz für die verschobene Sendung:
Sehr informativ, erleuchtend und lesenswert.
Oben ist doch update drinn im Artikel.
Entschuldigung ;(
Na nun funzt der Sender ja und danke für die Beantwortung meiner Fragen.
China hat das Problem zu viel Geld zu besitzen und nichts an Objekten im eigenen Land, wo es sich lohnen könnte zu investieren.
Die $ werden sie nicht auf den Markt werfen, nur im Falle eines Angriffs auf Nord-Korea.
Die Europäer brauchen sie als Konsumenten und für das Know-how…im kopieren sind sie ja schon ganz gut.
ßhnlich wie Japan und USA, Japaner stützen den $ damit die Amis ihre Produkte kaufen können, was in Japan Arbeitsplätze sichert.
Im Grunde eine Riesen ABM (Arbeitsbeschaffungsmasnahme).
Mitlerweile haben wir genug Maschinen die locker 90% der Arbeitsplätze ersetzen könnten und die Menschen nicht mehr zu arbeiten bräuchten, flössen die Gewinne an den Staat und nicht an die Börse.
War eine tolle Sendung von Lars und Cheffe! Super. Danke schön.
wie kam nun doch noch die sendung?na dann leider nicht gehört
Das war nur mit mir und Lars, die Sendung mit Herrn Hannich holen wir morgen 20.00 Uhr nach.
Sendung als Podcast : http://infokriegernews.de/nnradio/nnradio_0x03.mp3
Als Download : http://infokriegernews.de/nnradio/nnradio_0x03.zip
Lars sagte was über das Japanische verschwundene Kriegs-Gold und erwähnte den Namen Guyatt(wonach es mehr Gold geben soll als offiziell zugegeben wird); habe was darüber gefunden.
Allerdings english:
By David Guyatt
If President George W Bush has his way, then the spread of the American system of democracy will continue to proliferate around the world. There are those, however, who argue that the American form of ß?democracyß? has little to do with genuine democratic representation but rather more closely resembles a revolving fascist dictatorship beholden to the interests of a wealthy elite and big business. [1]
This form of government, it is argued, has as its underlying model the European Synarchist movement that was founded in the 1870ß?s, by Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre. St Yves considered the medieval Knights Templars to be ultimate Synarchists of their time and consequently drew on Templar ideals when formulating his ideas.
St Yves movement came to the fore in the early 1920ß?s, following the end of WWI and the signing of the Versailles Treaty [2] . In its essence, Synarchy advocates that government be run by a secret society or cabal ß? ß?an elite of enlightened initiates who rule from behind the scenes.ß? [3] As authors Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince describe it: ßßßit therefore doesn’t matter which political party holds power in a state – or even what political system that state has. Synarchists would step in and take control of the key state institutions.ß? [4]
In the United States, one such secret society worthy of note is Yale Universityß?s Order of the Skull and Bones. Entry into the Order involves elaborate ritual and is accompanied by a change of name. No longer is the neophyte known by his family name, but assumes the identity of a Knight.
Bonesmen include George W. Bush, his father George Bush senior and Senator John Kerry. George Bushß?s great grandfather, Prescott Bush, was also a Bonesman, as was George Bushß?s favourite uncle, Herbert Walker. In point of fact, almost all of the so-called ß?Eastern Establishmentß? families have been enrolled in the Skull and Bones. Author Antony Sutton, in his groundbreaking four-part series ß?The Order,ß? states that the US Order links to Britain through the Rhodes-Milner Oxford Group but has German origins. The US Order also links to the Guggenheim, Schiff and Warburg families, despite having definite anti-semitic tendencies until more recent times. Suttonß?s own research linked the Order to ß?the founding and growth of Nazismß? [5] and considered it likely that German original was the Illuminati.
The Bush familyß?s political dynasty and indeed, its wealth, arose from the nazi connections forged by Prescott Bush, who worked for nazi magnate, Fritz Thyssen. Bushß?s uncle ß?Herbieß? (Herbert Walker), was like-wise employed by Thyssen. [6] An even darker episode was reported by a Dutch intelligence agent who stated that Prescott Bush also managed a portion of the slave labour force located at I G Farbenß?s Auschwitz plant – the infamous nazi death camp. [7] Working for Prescott Bush was Allen Dulles, who would later become a director of the CIA, following a highly questionable career in the war where he was posted to the head up the Swiss office of the American intelligence service, the OSS. Before the war Dulles was appointed the US legal counsel for I G Farben. Another law client of Dulles was Fritz Thyssen. These inter-relationships are, at the very least, very chummy. Some believe them to be treacherous.
The key period of the growth of Synarchism followed on the heels of the Russian Revolution and led to the rise of the Pan European Movement in 1922. The PEM was embraced by powerful forces inside Germany. This included the wealthy banker, Max Warburg, who financed PEM. Warburg was a director of the massive chemical cartel, I G Farben, that helped hoist Adolf Hitler to power. Curiously, however, Warburg was also involved in helping Lenin to travel to Russia in 1917, thus providing succour to the Bolshevik Revolution that Hitler later so detested. [8] Is this simply a case of the left hand not knowing what the right one was doing, or could it be merely an example of the Hegelian dialectic of forging conflict in order to forge the future shape and direction of human history?
In any event, besides Max Warburg financing PEM, another German banker in the form of Hjalmar Schact, addressed the first mass rally of the Pan European Movement held in Berlin. Schacht would go on to work for Hitler as Minister for Economics and President of the Reichsbank. If one believes in coincidence then behold a coincidence: together with Hitler, Max Warburg signed the document that appointed Hjalmar Schacht to the presidency of the Reichsbank. Imagine that. Maxß?s brother, Paul Warburg, was a director of American I G Farben as well as being the first director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. [9]
Known simply as the ß?AOß? ß? the letters of the Greek Alpha-Omega ß? the ß?Auslandsorganisationß? was the foreign intelligence arm of the nazi party that engaged in espionage, fifth column, propaganda and ß?economicß? activities in furtherance of nazi aims. Overseas members of the AO operated largely through German owned or controlled overseas companies. This include numerous employees of I G Farben both those based at home and abroad. In fact, Farben not only ran the AO but financed it. [10] One of the most senior Farben men involved in AO activities was Max Ilgner, who was the nephew of Farben director Hermann Schmitz ß? whoß?s ambition was to ß?form a world fascist state without war if possible.ß? [11]
Ilgner, who was a uniform wearing member of the feared Gestapo, had allied Farbenß?s intelligence unit known as ß?NW7ß? with the AO, and had recruited an army of 5,000 that operated through American I.G. [12] Another member of Farbenß?s NW7 department, was Gunther Frank-Fahle, who had been born in Bradford, England. Although the nominal head of the AO was Ernst Wilhelm-Bohle, it was actually under the direct day-to-day control of Walter Schellenberg, head of the SD, the Gestapoß?s counterintelligence service ß? who described Farben as a ß?state within a stateß? to his interrogators after the war. However, the overall boss of the AO was deputy fuehrer, Rudolf Hess.